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Juhkentali 14

Juhkentali 14 tänavavaade
peeglist paistab miljonivaade
astun uksest välja läbi triumfikaare
nagu filmis, muusika on kuninglik
ja mu linn tundub justkui kuningriik

- Epp Kõiv, "Linn on minu"
Kalevi Maja fuajee
The building derives its architectural ideas from the surrounding environment. Citations can be found in the Kalev Basketball Hall as well as in the other neighbouring buildings. An interesting architecture adds spice for residents as well – so the views from the rooms are often framed by arches and circles, thus giving the home an even more unique feel.

- The building is designed by architect Kaur Talpsep from Kauss Arhitektuur.
Kalevi Maja sisehoov
Kalevi Maja fuajee